Sunday, December 13, 2015

Appointing a new apartment, frugally

As mentioned earlier, I am working at the Google office in Sunnyvale, and I have rented a studio in San Jose that is 8 miles away. The distance to office is comfortable (15 minutes with no traffic, and never more than 30 even with traffic.) The community is lovely and has walking areas and a Starbucks :-).

When I moved in, it was of course bare, and I had the fun and challenge of furnishing. I slept on a blow up mattress for the first couple of weeks, like a teenager. Keeps me young at heart.

I didn’t want to spend much in furnishings - - Our house is in White Plains, and this is just a pied-à-terre. Plus, taking the job at Google has already come with lots of extra home to NY for 10 days every month, additional rent, gas, electric, etc. in California, an additional car….So my goal was to furnish on the cheap, but ensuring the space was pleasant and comfortable for the time that I spend in it.

I started with Craig’s list. I found great and affordable furniture from various posters in the San Jose area. But I still puzzle about the logistics of getting furniture from Craig’s do you pick it up? If we are talking about couches, tables, desks...these don’t fit in my car. Renting a truck? Along with 2 big burly guys that can haul the stuff? And then driving from city to city as needed?

I did find a dining room table and chairs that I liked on Craig’s list from south San Jose (30 minutes away). I had to make 2 for the chairs, another for the table. The table is solid wood. (lovely!) And heavy (less lovely). When I got back to my apartment, I couldn’t get it out of the car. I found a burly guy in the garage area (works for Facebook) who helped me get it out of the car and to my apartment. And then my neighbor Ajay next door (who works for Apple) helped me assemble it. (At the time I didn’t have tools; now I do.) So this was not a model I wanted to replicate for all the furniture.

My colleague Michelle pointed me to a San Francisco startup, Sort of like an upscale Craig’s list, that *delivers.* And if you have any, they will take your old furniture, and pay you something if they sell it. So that’s how I did much of the rest of the furniture, supplemented by other online shoppng for a new mattress, bed coverings, etc. I got some of the artwork on Amazon, and at Goodwill.

I had the clever idea of decorating the wall above my desk with interesting clocks. (Shout out here to our friend John Pitrelli, who once upon a time collected unusual clocks.) I got one clock with the time displayed as a word-finding game, one “melting” clock, and one that runs *backwards*. Fun! What I didn’t take into account is that all night long, there is a chorus of tick-tocks. Lulls me to sleep….

The open office - Part 2

I don’t know the architectural history of workspace design. My guess is that once, the norm for workplace professionals was offices, with doors. And windows. And then, someone came up with the concept of cubicles, the butt of jokes about workspaces in the 20th century. They were modular and could be reconfigured, they were smaller and cheaper than full offices, and the ¾ height walls provided a modicum of visual privacy and some slight buffering of sound,

The open office space became more popular in the late 20th century, aligned with startup cultures. A cluster of people launching a new service or product concept worked in whatever space they could rassle up, the proverbial garage. There were no barriers between sitting areas. There was no need for barriers, the start-up founding team were all developing the same concept. Any work-related discussion of one member was probably of interest to all, so nothing was a distraction; or, more likely, all distractions had some relevance.

Fast forward to 2015. Startups that survived are now all grown up, and in many cases are the leading companies of our times. And the open office origins have persisted.

As a strategic design decision, I don’t get it. I do get it as a financial decision, if companies in Silicon Valley or NYC can’t afford the costs associated with building full offices in prime real estate markets. But I don’t think that companies view this as an unfortunate financial compromise; they see this as creatively advantageous.

Let’s walk through a work day in a high tech environment. Most employees split their day with the following: Coding or technical work, creating documents or reports, talking to co-workers at their worksite, talking to co-workers or others at remote sites.

Is the open office preferable for any of these scenarios? I would opine that it is not.

People that are coding or doing technical work generally prefer to concentrate, and distractions are….distracting. Employees in these spaces block out the audio distractions with noise-canceling headphones, creating a cone of silence. This serves another notifies others nearby that the person is in “do not disturb” mode, and “please don’t talk to me unless it’s important.” The person in deep concentration also needs to resist the visual distractions of people moving around in front of him/her. I’m not sure what the solution would be for blinders? Some “tent” around the coder’s head to block out all but the screen and keyboard?

Conversations or meetings with others not on site are managed through conference calls or videoconferences. In a closed office setting, a teleconference or videoconference can be part of the flow of your workday, right from your own desk. In an open office setting, the worker needs to find a room, for any 15 minute call with an external party. If this is happening spontaneously and you haven’t reserved a conference room a priori, the search scramble begins, and the room that gets scheduled might be some distance away. Loss of time and productivity.

Then, there is talking to co-workers on site. This is probably the optimistic intention of the open workspace; the idea that there will be creative and spontaneous interchanges. And there are. The problem is, once a company has some mass, not everyone is working on the same project anymore, and the creative exchange of co-workers A and B might be irrelevant and distracting to co-workers C and D. So again, the search scramble for space in a quiet room begins. Which sort of spoils what should have been the spontaneity of the conversation.

Finally, there is what I consider the social ab-norm of open office space. In a closed office environment, people will greet each other in hallways, ask how their weekend was, share some anecdotes. People might step into each other’s offices for a 5 minute catch-up chat with a close colleague. In an open office setting, where people work in very close proximity, there is (ironically) even less chatting and catch up. Think of the NYC subway - - you are standing so near to other people, that you develop a “zone out” mindset; other people are breathing on your face in very close proximity, but you don’t engage in eye contact that acknowledges their presence. Plus, from an efficiency point of view, if every person that entered the open space broached a conversation about what everyone did on their weekend, it would be a significant time drain. And, when someone enters the space, others might be in their quiet coding zone. So even saying “hello” to everyone can be seen as a distraction.

Curious to see what the workspaces of the future will look like. I anticipate that this will not be the final solution.

Cooking again!

I guess, unbeknownst to me, I have become a cooking/baking addict. With a large family and lots of people coming and going at all times, there is always reason to be cooking and baking in NY. Despite having an active professional life, I am certain that my boys and their friends have a sort of Betty Crocker image of me, working in the kitchen at all hours, for many hours.

Then comes the Google life in California...with no one to cook or bake for. Google provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner on weekdays; on weekends I am out and about or eating very simply by myself. If you open my refrigerator here, it's pathetic...a couple of sagging vegetables. A browning banana on the counter. If you know us from White Plains, you will know that we have refrigerators bursting at the seams...upstairs, and in the basement. The disparity was disturbing. Something had to change.

I have a relatively large kitchen for a studio apartment, so that's not an obstacle. But I am short on all of the tools related to food preparation. Our kitchen in White Plains is near professional-level. We have an industrial oven, and every utensil known to cooking-man...(in triplicate)...Lemon squeezers? we have three. Pots and pans of all sizes. Every scooping and slicing and grating apparatus. (in multiples, for dairy or meat...) A high end set of knives, courtesy of Adam's summer job of 2 years ago selling for Cutco.

So --how to equip a kitchen here, afresh? I start on the cheap, with cutlery from Target. And no lemon squeezer. (You CAN squeeze lemons without one - -wonder!) It's sort of fun to start again from the ground up, figuring out what you really need, and what you don't. I told Jordan I have exactly 2 tupperware containers, each with appropriately-sized lids. (At home in White Plains, we have the standard accumulation of gazillion sizes, with tops never matching the bottoms, and piles falling upon you when you upon the cabinet and pull one out, Jenga-style. Jordan was enthralled...2 tupperware containers with matching lids sounded zen-like...)

I have been going Israeli dancing since arriving in California, Monday nights and Thursday nights. It’s fun, and it’s exercise. So I have started using that as a catalyst for cooking/baking, bringing trays of borekas or brownies to the dance sessions. (I lag behind in the dancing, but I am getting known as the food-preparer…) Plus, I catered a full middle eastern lunch for my colleagues at Google last week. I prepared 6 pashtidot for a kiddush at Etz Chaim synagogue in Palo Alto. And I have had company for brunch, this weekend and last. So I am now getting my cooking-baking fix again, and I won’t be too rusty when I return to NY again next week…

Separation of work life and personal life

I have generally had a seamless separation between work and life. This has been especially true when it comes to electronic devices. At IBM, I had one cellphone, one computer. I had my IBM email address, and a personal gmail address that I never checked. This was nice and compact, until I left IBM and somehow had to tease out which files were personal, which were work-related, and separate the two. My email address for everything at the time was, and so I had to connect with every entity that I do any business with to inform them of the change of email contact. (the bank, Amazon, Netflix, Paypal, American Express, Macy’s, etc. etc. etc.) I am sure to this day that I have missed a few.

In my new, fully separated life streams, I have a computer that is personal, and a computer from Google. I have my personal iPhone and iPad, plus an Android phone from Google. Neat and clean.

BUT - - that means that I have this array of devices to manage, update, keep charged. On any given day, my bag includes my iPhone (plus chargers), my Android (plus chargers), a backup battery just in case, plus my Mac (and chargers.) It feels like I’m a walking IT department. Plus, it’s heavy. And inevitably, one of the devices is out of juice. I feel like I’m feeding triplets, making sure that each device gets its due and adequate time plugged into the wall. So I don’t think that I would advocate this new and fully separated work-life technological divide as the ideal solution. At least, not till they come up with batteries that last for (say) a full week….

Another funny consequence -- Now that I have a work-related account, plus a personal account, I am often unsure about where a particular email was created. Add to that messages from Facebook, and sms, What’sApp, and LinkedIn, and it is a constant puzzle.  My phone will flash a message alert that will disappear, and I am left wondering “was that from gmail? Or facebook? Or….?” Comment from my son Jordan….we need a new solution to sort it all out, like “What’s-MY-App” :-)