Anyone who hasn’t moved in a long time can anticipate how daunting it would be to figure out what to keep and what to toss. To the point where I know people that opt not to downsize their homes, since they don’t know where they would put their stuff.
I had the experience of packing up everything we owned (including the boxes stuck in the eaves in the attic) before we left for our overseas assignment in India a few years ago. So I observed with horror and amusement the number of things we had accumulated, that we never or rarely used or looked at. I made a silent promise to self to be more mindful of what gets saved and stored, so that I don’t get overwhelmed with stuff.
I came to California in June, with 3 large suitcases. As part of the Google benefit, I had fully furnished corporate housing for 3 months.
As the 3 months ended, and I had to move my personal items out, I anticipated having not much more than the same 3 suitcases. But I did have more. I am watching stuff accumulate, even as I try to be mindful. Some of it is needed. Some of it is “stuff” - -not needed, but too good or too new to throw away. The “may come in handy one day” category. Shampoo and conditioner are a good example. You get adventurous one day and buy brands you have never used. You discover over time that you don’t really like them as much as your original brands, so you buy those too. But you don’t throw away the barely-used other containers; maybe you’ll use them if your favored brand runs out; or maybe you’ll use them just to change things up. Voila; your bathroom cabinets get full. As do kitchen cabinets. And the clothing cabinets. So just “mindfulness” has not been enough of a deterrent - -
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